Course Instructor, Urban Landscapes and Planning, Dept. of Geography & Planning, University of Toronto, Summer 2021.

Course Instructor, Urban Systems and Strategies, Parsons School of Design, The New School, Winter 2017.

Teaching Assistant for Hans Ibelings, JAV151 History of Architecture, Urbanism, Landscape & Art I: 1800-1940, Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design, University of Toronto, Fall 2020.

Teaching Assistant (Service Learning) for Aditi Mehta, INI236 A Multidisciplinary Introduction to Urban Studies II, Innis College, University of Toronto, Winter 2020.

Teaching Assistant for Deborah Cowen, GGR124 Cities and Urban Life, Dept. of Geography & Planning, University of Toronto, Winter 2019; Winter 2020.

Teaching Assistant for Joseph Heathcott, Urban History Lab, The New School, Fall 2015.

I hold an Advanced University Teaching Preparation Certificate acquired through the Centre for Teaching Support and Innovation at the University of Toronto.



